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Code of Conduct

As a member of both NAVP and RAMP, Beth Austin Veterinary Physiotherapy follows a strict code of conduct to provide the best possible practice. 

As a member of NAVP, "Our members are highly skilled in providing physiotherapy care for animals.

By choosing an NAVP member you are assured that they:
1. Have qualified via a recognised accredited training programme
2. Carry appropriate professional and public liability insurance
3. Work in accordance with current legislation alongside your veterinary surgeon, and also in close conjunction with members of other related professions such as farriers, saddle fitters, trainers etc.
4. Are required to work within a professional code of conduct and ethics
5. Are required to continually maintain and enhance their skills post-qualification by completing appropriate programmes of continued professional development (CPD)  annually in order to be able to maintain their membership status."



"RAMPs code of conduct has four main principles:

RAMP registrants take responsibility for their actions RAMP registrants behave ethically
RAMP registrants deliver an effective service

RAMP registrants strive to achieve excellence

Together, the principles and statements form a positive expression of the professional values and behaviour that RAMP expects of all its members."

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